Speccy ClassiX 1998
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The command menus for this system may be displayed as one large menu,
or broken down into MAIN, MSG, and FILE. If you chose to display 3
separate menus, you can move to any section menu by entering 'F' for
FILE, 'M' for MSG, or '.' (period) for MAIN.
NOTE: Except for [S]earch, ALL these commands work the same under any
menu. You can (for instance) [R]ead messages from the MAIN or FILE
menus, or change [Y]our parameters from the MSG or FILE menus.
There is some "chaining" of commands allowed, for example;
"Read All New" or "r a n" to read all new messages.
"Search Files iff" or "s f iff" to search files for "IFF".
"Alpha 7" or "a 7" to display file library 7.
"Library 42" or "l 42" AmigaDOS format library 42.
[H]elp is available under each section menu, and most sub-menus.
*** SECTIONS ***
MAIN: information, userlist, system stats, display prefs, etc.
[S]earches here look through the user list.
MSG: the message base.
[S]earches here look thru the message subjects.
Note that there may be several message areas (up to 99).
FILE: the file libraries.
[S]earches here look through the file descriptions.
*** COMMANDS ***
-- CTRL-E will abort most operations --
A display the full library filelist sorted alphabetically.
You may also display only the files in the current library.
B Browse the detailed file descriptions in the current library,
or in all the file libraries. You may also elect to have the
descriptions archived (in the background) for later download.
Browse Menu:
an "Empty" RETURN displays the next file description
34 a number alone will display that file number's description.
C displays contents of .arc .dms .lha .lzh .zip or .zoo files.
D download (see download menu below)
E if you uploaded this file, you are allowed to edit the
file description at any time. (see editor commands)
K if you uploaded this file, you may delete it at any time.
L sysops may rename a file and/or move it to a new Library.
N displays file descriptions one after another without pausing.
M mark this file to be included in the next download.
R Read a textfile. The filename must end in ".txt".
Q stop browsing and return to the main menus.
? displays the browse menu command summary.
C leave a Comment for the sysop. Preloads the editor with email to the
sysop, "Subject: FEEDBACK".
D Download menu. You are asked for a list of filenames and/or numbers.
Download Menu:
A starts download & automatically logs off after last transfer.
D starts download of currently displayed file(s) using the
currently selected transfer protocol.
T change transfer protocol
Q quit downloading
E Email.
Email Menu:
F find email From you to other users. A list is displayed of
all pending email from you. You may then edit your choice.
T find and read email To you from other users. If a file is
attached to a message, you will given the opportunity to
download it.
W Write email to another user. User must exist on this BBS!
AFTER writing your message, you can upload a private file
to be attached to this message. (see upload menu)
Write Mail Menu:
E load this file into the online editor.
K kill (delete) this message.
S send this message.
Q quit. Abort message writing.
F from FILE or ALL (single menu), display the Filelist archiver menu.
You may make archives of one-line or full file descriptions for any
or all file libraries, just follow the prompts.
from MSG or MAIN (multiple menus), display the FILES menu.
You can [D]ownload from ANY menu (if you know the filename) since the
BBS will search through all file libraries looking for that file.
To change the file area, use the [L]ist command.
List <library-number> will list all files.
<library-number> by itself will list all NEW files.
FL add/delete/view your "Friends" list. A shorthand way to write email.
G Goodbye. Logoff this BBS. Hangup. Adios. Aloha.
H HELP. Display the main commands summary.
I Information. Displays a list of text files available for reading
while you are online. These are files of general interest and
humor as well as detailed HELP and SYSTEM_INFO.
J Jump to the rexxDoorways area. Various rexx games and diversions.
L List Libraries. This command has three forms.
List (or L) by itself displays all available file libraries.
List lib# (ie, "L 5") displays a sorted list of all files in
that library.
lib# (ie, "5") displays only those files with dates newer
than or equal to the "last-browsed" date.
M display the Messages menu.
N display ALL files with dates newer than or equal to the "last-browsed".
If there are no "new" files, display filelist sorted by age.
You may also display only the files in the current library.
O display information about a wildcard selected list of users.
Each user may select which information other users may view.
P Post a public message to a message conference.
Q <unused. used as Quit elsewhere in the BBS>
R Read public messages in the message conferences.
A read all new messages in all conferences.
M read only those message that are addressed to you.
# enters that numbered message conference.
A archive messages and leave in email
S switch your access to this conference ON or OFF.
R (or return) reads the new messages in this conference.
If no new msgs, you choose starting number.
Q quit reading, return to Conference choice menu
Read Messages Menu
an "Empty" RETURN displays the next message
34 read message number 34.
A read this messag again.
K kill this message (only if you wrote it or are a sysop).
O if this message is a reply, read the original.
N don't pause between messages. (non-stop)
R reply to this message.
S skip this msg and it's replies (thread) or skip this conference.
! (sysop only) mark so that bbsMAINT.baud will not delete this msg.
Q stop reading this conference.
S display the Search Menu. (or go direct, if you use 3 menus)
Search Menu:
F search the alphabetic filelist (quick) or the file descriptions.
M search all messages.
U search the list of user names.
T change your Transfer protocol. Zmodem, Ymodem, or several Xmodems
U Upload a file using the current protocol.
You will be given a choice of libraries to upload into.
You will be asked to write a file description for your file.
V View a log of the past user activity on this BBS.
W Who is here. A list of all user-names on this BBS.
X toggles eXpert mode (no menus).
Y view and alter Your user data, such as password, home phone,
lines_per_page, transfer protocol, etc. Some data (up:dl ratio, etc.)
may only be changed by sysops.
Preferences (line 8): If a word appears, that option is ON.
MENUS - turns on 3 menu set on.
MENU - turns on 1 large menu.
COLORS - turns colors on. (similar to the # command)
TERSE - turns off daily cookies and other logon/logoff text.
STREET - lets other users see your street address.
PHONE - lets other users see your phone number
Z statistics about current usage for you and the BBS as a whole.
! YELL for the sysop. This uses the Amiga sound/voice to try to attract
the sysop's attention for a chat.
$ toggle between 3 MENUS, or all-in-one MENU.
# toggles colors (for menus and requests) on or off.
& display the user profile menu.
+ select files for downloading from extra devices. These
devices are considered "read-only" to the BBS, although
they may include other harddrive partitions or floppies
besides CD type drives (cd0:, cd1:, or whatever).
, display the "average minutes per hour of BBS use" graph.
. display the Main menu.
OFF or BYE logoff right away, don't ask questions.
QUICK edit the offline archiver options, start processes.
K Kill User. Delete users data from the system.
^ Display activity log for any day.
% edit or write file description.
( display list of mismatches between files and file descriptions.
) display list of all email and emailfiles
= list access levels of all users. If level<10, validation menu.
; change a user's email name
@ Open a DOS shell within the BBS.
~ Edit any textfile (needs full path)
(-; BaudBanditBulletinBoardSystem<--BBBBS-->BaudBanditBbsByStockton ;-)